Haha tried to take some family photos which was kind of a bust…
I don’t know why they turned out so grainy?
Also I love the dog drama that occurred!
Tessa staring down Oliver..Oliver looking fearful
Tessa’s fat belly
Tessa sees her bone…Oliver wants it too
And finally my favorite- Love Oliver’s face in this one (is he sneezing?)!!
While I was at my parents house the other day (thrift store shopping with my mom) I snapped a few pics of their awesome house-
my mom and dad lived and traveled all over the globe so she has a very eclectic and international design flair in her house-
here are some of my favorite things
Beautiful crepe myrtles that are HUGE in the backyard (the basketball shows how tall they are)
Pretty planters on the front porch from Mexico-love all the colors
Inside we have awesome mid century furniture in the dining room paired with a modern rug
Hidden gems such as this awesome carving (stuffed unceremoniously under a console)
mom, if your reading this I could totally put this in a place of honor in my house! 🙂
A practically 3 foot tall tree of life -love all the details-
Gorgeous figurines and a beautiful french mirror
How cool is this piece? It’s by a famous Spanish artist Sergio Bustamante and we found it at a thrift store
Love this mantle- the paint color (its kind of a dusty gray purple) goes perfectly with the amazing painting-everything has such a global influence
Shelves packed with goodies- I actually love this styling
and beautiful stain glass windows-
So if I seem to have an eclectic and global design tendency I definitely got it from my mother!
Thanks for letting me crash (and maybe next time we will have better luck at the thrift stores)