gratuitous pic of Tessa- she’s getting so big
We had an awesome wine tasting/Christmas party at our place-ended up with 35+ empty bottles so it was definitely a good time 🙂
tuckered Tessa out
for decor we had a huge blow up reindeer on the deck
I collect nativities so there were plenty of those
the one above is my big one and it is from Hestia Creations
this one is from Peru
I put a christmas scarf on the rhino
cedar garland from Alpine Farms for the stairs
and also put together a frame to display our Christmas cards!
It’s always hard to know how to display Christmas cards but I thought this would be a great way to do it!
to make it I painted the thrift shop frame with white spray paint and then wrapped twine around small nails and nailed them into the back of the frame to hold the twine.  I put the twine on three different levels and then clothspinned the Christmas cards on-
and now I just need to take all of this stuff down…boo