So I realized that I haven’t really given credit where it is due for being inspired to start my own blog- I LOVE reading other people’s blogs and spend a [considerable] amount of time doing it~
These bloggers inspired me to start writing my own blog and I do think it has been a really fun thing to do-
There is soooo much inspiration out there in blogland for recipes, house decor/interior design, any number of projects that can be done by hand, artwork, music, organic recipes for shampoo/cleaner/detergent/etc..
Just SOO much out there to find that people have spent time and energy putting together so that I could read it for free!
It’s a pretty awesome system and I’m loving all the free content available now-
Here are a list of my top 10 favorite blogs that I have been following for quite a while
I ADORE sherry and john and their little clara/burger and love following along while they fix up houses-this is the blog that I first started reading- they are truly a lovable couple and have the sweetest hearts and are so hardworking and organized! Definitely very inspirational~
Jenny is organized, creative, stylish and a smart business woman- and a mom! So she’s got so much going on but also has time to have an amazing blog with crazy awesome design ideas and projects that always make me feel like I can try different things-
On a COMPLETELY different note- Epbot is a really cool steampunk design type of blog that I really enjoy because of the weird/unique items and ideas that she comes up with (I haven’t been following for as long as the others on this list)-It’s different and that’s what I like about it
I’ve followed this one for quite a while and I like all the content on starting your own business and being successful at it- her content is very deep and helpful and I love reading about her different ventures and thinking about starting my own someday (down the road a bit)
I love this blog because of the cool furniture redesigns that happen on it- it’s fun looking at people’s projects and seeing how they did them- makes me want to go finish that buffet that I want to put in our dining room!
This couple has some really cool interior design projects they have tackled including a really cool card catalog buffet that I’m obsessed with- I want one!
This girl is so creative and an amazing seamstress- I think I’ve mentioned her blog before but it deserves a second mention because she comes up with the cutest outfits out of hideous thrift store purchases and I would LOVE to be able to learn how to sew- I do have a sewing machine just need to break it out
This is a yummy recipe blog but also this couple lived for a year in an orphanage in South America and I loved following along with them during their stay there- it was fascinating to see how they adapted and what they learned- I would love to live somewhere and volunteer for a year or so-
This lady has really good style as well and goes on awesome vacations to Morrocco and other locales that make me feel like I went there too because of the awesome photos she takes- she just had a baby so she has been slowing up a little on her posts (which is totally understandable)
This is kind of a funny read for me because this couples style is NOTHING like mine but I just kind of like her personality and her style of writing- She comes across as being really ‘real’
Anyhoo those are some of my favs- I’ve got bazillions more that I love too…it might be a slight obsession/addiction…
Gratuitous shot of the puppy 🙂