So the front porch of our house is really not used for anything because it is just outside of the guest bedroom-
I decided it should be a pretty place full of pretty flowers
Well I kind of cheated on the flower part and picked plants that don’t need to be watered or cared for much- succulents and ivy~ but I did get geraniums that I will need to water
Super pretty but also low maintenance (which is definitely needed because I’m not going to remember to water something every day)
I got the shelf from my sis who was throwing it away and also the cute chair
The lamp is one I got with my mom at an artisan fair-It’s this place called Homestead Heritage that’s right outside of Austin and they do this cool fair around Thanksgiving
The food is amazing and I’ve even purchased newly hatched chicks for my dad’s backyard chicken coop
This box I drilled a hole into and put a cute knob from anthropologie on it- turns it into a drawer!
And that’s my little garden alcove-
I still need to put up this cool planter I got from the thrift store- and maybe an outdoor rug?
Newest updates (including a thrift store rug!) and an ivy fail