I had always thought I could possibly do my invitations by myself but then the budget kind of forced my hand in that direction!
They turned out so well but I can definitely see why I’m not opening up a wedding invitations shop anytime soon!
Quite a bit of work, which thankfully my mother helped me so much with~
First off I had to find the paper-Paper and More worked out really well for me and I got my envelopes from here too~ I went with ivory/brown/silver and recycled paper which I loved because it had a kind of rustic look~
Then all the hard work began! Setting up the lettering was easy, I just did it on microsoft word and printed it out- The tough stuff was cutting everything correctly, stamping everything (which my mom did) and gluing everything together- Oh also getting addresses and hand writing all of the addresses by hand with a calligraphy pen took some time too!
I had a custom stamp made that I used for the top of each invitation- weirdly enough finding 65cent wedding stamps was insanely hard- I ended up having to walk to the downtown USPS location-
All in all they were worth it to make myself because it saved money and I ended up with a personalized invitation that I had created myself!